Friday Night Border Crossing This a weekly series that will showcase some fresh new music for you to discover.
Show #14:
- Omar Vox - Causa y Efecto
Omar Vox is a talented singer, musician, songwriter and producer who has been at the forefront of a whole generation of Tijuana indie music artists. He is releasing a new song, Causa y Efecto, a piece that resumes sonically his career. After leading other bands, he started performing as Omar Vox with a modern indie rock sound, that with time has changed to include a more indie/country/britpop style that has changed his approach as an artist, even doing songs in english. He is working on more new music coming soon.
- Giuliana - Si Quieres Insistir
Giuliana is a San Diego born but Tijuana raised singer and composer that since around 13 years old started composing. She is a very social conscious artist, writing songs about love, life and living on the border with a style that blends pop, rock, blues,folk and more with a very distinctive voice. She has released a debut album that was recorded live and has been performing on both sides of the border on high profile shows. She soon is releasing new songs under the label Silver Gun Records.
-Los De La Azotea - La Estación
Los De La Azotea is a band that was formed in March, but already have been on stages and have been recording. Their debut single is La Estación,a rockandroller with some 70's glam and pop sprinkled on.
Fridays - 8:00 PM (Pacific)
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