Friday Night Border Crossing This a weekly series that will showcase some fresh new music for you to discover.
Show #27:
-Jake Huffman - Wild Child
While entering the prime of his musical career, Jake Huffman already has had an awesome run with his band touring all over the east coast and performing alongside major acts; as a songwriter on Sesame Street and as a bandleader on ESPN2, but he wants to build his legacy on his own way as singer, songwriter and performer with heartfelt songs in a ride that is just took it's net step with the release of his most recent EP, Adderall and Whiskey.
-Rixi Ache - Brina
Rixi Ache is a Tijuana musician that has a YouTube Channel where he does reworkings and remixes of hip hop and rock artists through guitar, bass and turntables. He has been working also on his own songs, that have him going from post-rock to stoner-metal. He also now is podcasting a beer review show through his Instagram page called Aquel Que No Sabe De Cheve.
Fridays - 8:00 PM (Pacific)
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