Friday Night Border Crossing This a weekly series that will showcase some fresh new music for you to discover.
Show #28:
-Springworks - Electrocutioner's Tale
Two canadian musicians,David Beaman and Ryan Rollinson started a band after sharing a piano and a love for music. Since then, they have been working under the name Springworks, while releasing genre defying experimental alternative/indie/rock/pop music.with already some releases and new music coming real soon.
-Elsewaves - Overcome By You
Chris Kinkade (voice, songwriter) and Rich Knotts (guitar) are two longlife friends that after a long time,finally they were able to work together on a project for the genuine love of music that both have. Elsewaves is a project that has a lot of diversity and allow them to experiment from classic rock and roll to ambiental progressive sounds while working with some friends who are rock and roll royalty.
Fridays - 8:00 PM (Pacific)
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